(Last week, this was my first post ever on my newish Tumblr account. Then I realized Tumblr doesn’t do what I want it to, so I will probably never use it again. Therefore, I am reposting here.)
A few times in the last few months, I’ve received random unsolicited IMs from spam accounts trying to get me to go to their stripper webcam sites or something. Last week I was contacted by a repeat offender from an account I recognized. So after engaging for a bit, I looked up the old conversation and pasted it, along with the new one, below.
July 13, 2011
(1:22:41 AM) eingr: heya
(1:29:40 AM) CFI Debbie: hello
(1:29:47 AM) eingr: Hey what’s up? 23/F here. u?
(1:29:55 AM) CFI Debbie: 31/f
(1:30:03 AM) eingr: Hmm. Have we chattted before?
(1:30:14 AM) CFI Debbie: i have no record of that
(1:30:25 AM) eingr: Oh sorrrry. l waasnt sure. Butt anywayyyssss.. What r u up to?
(1:30:57 AM) CFI Debbie: lookin up info on armpit warts online
(1:30:59 AM) CFI Debbie: u?
(1:31:04 AM) eingr: Oooo. lm Iike sooooo bored.
(1:31:14 AM) eingr: Hey l got a idea.. lma get on my web-cam. Do u wanna watcch?
(1:31:29 AM) CFI Debbie: i don’t have a webcam…
(1:31:46 AM) eingr: Yeah? Ok u do have to siggnup for freee cause its settup thru this site so that l cant be recorrded. Ok?
(1:32:52 AM) CFI Debbie: what is the url?
(1:33:00 AM) eingr: K babbe. lt’s super simplIe
(1:33:16 AM) eingr: http://access.im/7/nikki goo there then at the top of the pagge cIlick on the goIld buttton up at the top that says JOlIN FREE. K?
(1:34:06 AM) CFI Debbie: k, will do!
(1:34:18 AM) eingr: AlIso when you signuup it wilI ask for a creddit card to veriffy your age.
(1:34:27 AM) CFI Debbie: ah, bummer
(1:34:34 AM) eingr: lt wiIl not charge the carrd at alI. Not even a pennny. Ilts just to make sure that u r over 18. AIriight?
(1:34:35 AM) CFI Debbie: why are you so bad at spelling?
(1:34:39 AM) CFI Debbie: 🙂
(1:34:50 AM) eingr: K. When you get finisshed and lIogged in then vieew my camm and we can have some fuuunnnn!!!
(1:35:00 AM) CFI Debbie: sticky keyboard?
(1:35:14 AM) eingr: lf you tip me some goId or join me in privte l wilI do anythinng you ask me too.
(1:35:21 AM) eingr: l mean ANYTHlING babe :-X
(2:04:28 AM) eingr: hello?
(2:04:37 AM) CFI Debbie: hello!
(2:04:49 AM) eingr: Iets taIlk on the site when you get in. Hurry up im ready to plIay.
September 8, 2011
(11:30:04 AM) eingr: hey!
(11:30:08 AM) CFI Debbie: Hey!
(11:30:16 AM) eingr: hey how are you today?
(11:30:25 AM) CFI Debbie: Great! How are you?
(11:30:32 AM) eingr: Im good and you?
(11:31:05 AM) CFI Debbie: I already answered that. 🙂
(11:31:16 AM) eingr: i cant remember if we have talked before? 24f here. u?
(11:31:32 AM) CFI Debbie: 31t
(11:31:39 AM) eingr: oh… well whats up?
(11:32:16 AM) CFI Debbie: Just working. In fact, I’m going to go run and get some cereal and coffee. brb
(11:32:27 AM) eingr: cool. im so bored. theres nothing to do. any suggestions?
(11:32:36 AM) CFI Debbie: Wikipedia!
(11:32:42 AM) CFI Debbie: I just read about historic bridges in PA.
(11:32:49 AM) eingr: i got a idea. :-X. i want be a stripper. but i dont know if im good enough
(11:33:00 AM) eingr: do you want to watch me strip on cam and tell me if im good enough?
(11:33:38 AM) CFI Debbie: You probably aren’t—it’s a skill. But there are some great books out there. Ever look at Project Gutenberg?
(11:33:50 AM) eingr: ok you got to signup on this site so i can be sure your not a kid
(11:33:57 AM) eingr: is that ok with you babe?
(11:34:12 AM) CFI Debbie: I bet your grammar would be improved by reading too. 🙂
(11:34:20 AM) eingr: k babe just go here http://access.im/2/nikki
(11:34:31 AM) eingr: then at the top click the goId JOIN FREE button and make a login ok?
(11:34:58 AM) CFI Debbie: You’re a bot, aren’t you?
(11:35:08 AM) eingr: Im not a freaking bot
(11:35:14 AM) CFI Debbie: I think you are…
(11:35:18 AM) CFI Debbie: Watch:
(11:35:23 AM) CFI Debbie: You’re a bot, aren’t you?
(11:35:30 AM) eingr: oh and one more thing. it does ask for a credit card but but it dosent charge the card at all
(11:35:39 AM) eingr: its just to make sure that your over 18 ok?
(11:36:22 AM) CFI Debbie: I have a question for you.
(11:36:32 AM) eingr: k babe well hurry up so we can have some fun.
(11:36:46 AM) eingr: and if you want to have some naughty fun then just take me in private or tip me some gold.
(11:37:47 AM) CFI Debbie: It’s a bot check. What is the capital of Delaware?
(11:37:55 AM) eingr: Im not a freaking bot
(11:38:31 AM) CFI Debbie: I don’t believe you. Would you address the previous question?
(11:38:41 AM) eingr: lets talk on the site my aim keeps messing up.
(11:39:13 AM) CFI Debbie: Clever response for a replicant. If you answer that question correctly, I will go to the site.
There was no further response.
Yeah, Deb, what’s the capital of Norway? :p
I’d say that it’s because you’re not Murrcan, but then again, who remembers that stuff anyway? You’d at least think to Google it if you had to prove yourself human…wouldn’t you? Or this: “I am not a Canadian. I am a unicorn!”
I don’t know the capital of Delaware… I guess I’m a bot.
Haha! Did you see what happens when two Cleverbots chat which one another? Pretty funny:
You should write a post about Norway! PLEASE!
Best comment:
As for Norway, I’ll be writing something about that in the future. Really!